Link an entity to another entity / to a player

Also known as a scoreboard ID system.


Sometimes there is a need to link two entites together in a logical fashion. In Minecraft, we can achieve this by giving both entities the same scoreboard score. In this article we’ll be linking an entity to a player.

For example, let’s create a dummy scoreboard for player/entity IDs.

# In chat / load function
scoreboard objectives add ID dummy

Now, if you are using command blocks, you can use this command to give each player a unique score in the ID scoreboard.

# Command block
execute as @a unless score @s ID = @s ID store result score @s ID run scoreboard players add #new ID 1

This command selects all players who do not have a score ID, then increases the score for fake player #new in ID score by 1 and store this result to the player’s ID score.

If you are using a datapack, then you can use the command above in the tick function, or create a simple advancement that will only run once for each player:

# advancement example:first_join
  "criteria": {
    "requirement": {
      "trigger": "minecraft:tick"
  "rewards": {
    "function": "example:set_id"

# function example:set_id
execute store result score @s ID run scoreboard players add #new ID 1

And we’re done, every player has a unique ID. Now we can just copy the ID score to whatever entity we want to link up using scoreboard players operation, and use this method to find the entity with the same score (aka the linked entity).

Java and Bedrock

[!NOTE] The information below is outdated / inefficient for java. Use this only to better understand how the Scoreboard ID system works.

First we need to set up a dummy scoreboard objective

scoreboard objectives add id dummy

Next, to make sure that every player gets a unique id, we need a system that assigns every player a unique score. This can be achieved by simply counting up with every subsequent player that needs a score. For this, we’ll set a fake player score of this objective to 1 to start with.

scoreboard players set $total id 1

Next, to assign a unique id to every player that does not have an ID yet, it’s best to use a function so that every new player get treated individually.

# add 0 to all players' id score. This ensures that every player 
# has a score (of 0) while not changing any existing scores
scoreboard players add @a id 0

# Execute as all players that have a score of 0 (aka no ID yet)
execute as @a[scores={id=0}] run function namespace:init_id


# copy the score of the fake player to the player
scoreboard players operation @s id = $total id

# count up the score so the next player will get a different id
scoreboard players add $total id 1

If for some reason you cannot use a function, use this code for your commandblocks instead. This means that it will take n ticks for n amount of players that need an id, while the other system is instant:

scoreboard players add @a id 0

# select one random unassigned player to assign the id to
tag @r[scores={id=0}] add addId

# apply id to this selected player, as above
scoreboard players operation @a[tag=addId] id = $total id
execute as @a[tag=addId] run scoreboard players add $total id 1

# remove tag so we're ready for the next player
tag @a remove addId

And we’re done, every player has a unique ID. Now we can just copy the id score to whatever entity we want to link up using scoreboard players operation, and use this method to find the entity with the same score (aka the linked entity).