Detect when a mob has died
This article applies to Java Edition only. For Bedrock Edition the method is described in this wiki article: Detect the player killing entities and players
When a mob begins to play the death animation, then this mob cannot be selected using the target selector, this is the main difficulty in detecting the death of a mob, but there are still several ways to do this, but each has its own limitations. Each of the methods listed below is completely resistant to unloading mobs from loaded chunks and there will be no false positives.
The easiest way to implement is to use scoreboard criteria killed:<entity>
, but provides minimal opportunities for detection.
Key points:
- low server load
- can detect mob death only if the killer is a player
- cannot determine the location of a mob’s death
- cannot detect the death of a mob with a specific entity tag or other attribute
- each mob type must have a separate scoreboard objective.
Here’s a quick example to detect if a zombie was killed by a player:
# In chat / load function
scoreboard objectives add killed.zombie killed:zombie
# Command blocks / tick function
execute as @a[scores={killed.zombie=1..}] run say Some zombie has died.
scoreboard players reset @a[scores={killed.zombie=1..}] killed.zombie
player_killed_entity advancement trigger
The implementation using player_killed_entity
advancement trigger has a little more possibilities.
Key points:
- minimal load on the server
- cannot determine the location of a mob’s death
- you can check any number of entity types in one advancement
- can check any data of a mob that died, including tags, score, etc.
- can detect mob death only if the killer is a player
- requires using a datapack
Here’s a quick example to detect if a any skeleton type with the tag some_tag was killed by a player:
# advancement example:killed_skeleton
"criteria": {
"requirement": {
"trigger": "minecraft:player_killed_entity",
"conditions": {
"entity": [
"condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",
"entity": "this",
"predicate": {
"type": "#minecraft:skeletons",
"nbt": "{Tags:['some_tag']}"
"rewards": {
"function": "example:skeleton_death"
# function example:skeleton_death
advancement revoke @s only example:killed_skeleton
say Skeleton with tag some_tag has died.
Passenger entity
This method is a direct way to check the death of a specific mob with any cause of death, not just due to the player.
This method is based on using a marker entity as a passenger on a mob that needs to be checked for death. The passenger entity will ride the entity until the end of the death animation, so using this you can check the DeathTime
tag of a mob with a death animation. This way also has a unique opportunity to check not only the death of a mob, but also when and where the mob despawned.
Key points:
- average load on the server
- this requires using a datapack (for versions 1.16 - 1.19.3)
- can check any data of a mob that died, including tags, score, etc.
- preliminary mob setup is required
- can determine the location of a mob’s death
- mob death can be detected with any cause of death
- does not work for mobs that already have a passenger
- can check mob despawn
This method requires preliminary setup of the mob, for example, you can summon a mob with an entity marker as a passenger:
summon husk ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["some_tag"],Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:marker",Tags:["death_detector"]}]}
From version 1.19.4 you can also add a marker entity as passenger to an existing mob using the /ride command:
summon marker ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["death_detector","set_ride"]}
ride @e[type=marker,tag=death_detector,tag=set_ride,limit=1] mount <mob>
tag @e[type=marker,tag=set_ride] remove set_ride
On versions 1.16 - 1.19.3, the only way to check this mob is to use the predicate in the datapack:
# function example:tick
execute as @e[type=marker,tag=death_detector,predicate=example:death_mob] run function example:death_mob
execute as @e[type=marker,tag=death_detector,predicate=example:despawn_mob] run function example:despawn_mob
# function example:death_mob
say Mob is dead!
kill @s
# function example:despawn_mob
say Mob is despawn!
kill @s
# predicate example:death_mob
"condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",
"entity": "this",
"predicate": {
"vehicle": {
"nbt": "{DeathTime:1s}"
# predicate example:despawn_mob
"condition": "minecraft:inverted",
"term": {
"condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",
"entity": "this",
"predicate": {
"vehicle": {}
As of version 1.19.4, you can use the execute on vehicle
subcommand to select a dying mob:
# Command blocks
execute as @e[type=marker,tag=death_detector] on vehicle unless data entity @s {DeathTime:0s} run say This mob is dying!
execute as @e[type=marker,tag=death_detector] on vehicle unless data entity @s {DeathTime:0s} on passengers run kill @s
However, this implementation on command blocks may cause lags due to NBT checks every tick, so it is recommended to use a check delay or use a datapack with schedule function:
# function example:load
function example:loops/1s
# function example:loops/1s
schedule function example:loops/1s 1s
execute as @e[type=marker,tag=death_detector] on vehicle unless data entity @s {DeathTime:0s} run function example:death_mob
execute as @e[type=marker,tag=death_detector,predicate=example:despawn_mob] run function example:despawn_mob
# function example:death_mob
say Mob is dead!
execute on passengers run kill @s
# function example:despawn_mob
say Mob is despawn!
kill @s
Reading data by UUID (1.20.2+)
This is the most accurate way to check for mob death, since you access the mob’s data directly using the UUID, but it is also the most complex to implement overall.
Without using a datapack, you need to manually enter the mob’s UUID into each command, which makes this method practically useless when using only command blocks.
Key points:
- high load on the server
- maximum test accuracy
- direct data check
- requires datapack + datapack UUID converter library
- high complexity of implementation
- cannot check mob despawn
The difficulty with this method is that you need to get the mob’s UUID in Hexadecimal format (ba7916ab-abc0-4ef6-8a43-391dbffdefcd
), but /data get
can only get the UUID as a list of int values ([I;-1166469461,-1413460234,-1975305955,-1073877043]
). Therefore, you need to use a UUID converter. In this article will we use this UUID converter library by @gibbsly.
To convert UUID using this library you need to run the function gu:convert
as a macro function with the data of the selected mob, and then read the storage gu:main out
In addition, you need to save the converted UUIDs of mobs in storage and use a macro to insert these UUIDs into your check command.
After detecting the death of a mob, it is also necessary to remove the UUID from storage, since macro functions can quickly cause lags with a large number of checks. For the same reason, you need to use a delay for checks.
Below is an example to check the death of any mob that has the death_check
# function example:load
function example:loops/1s
# function example:loops/1s
schedule function example:loops/1s 1s
execute as @e[tag=death_check,tag=!init] run function example:death_check/init
data modify storage example:macro death_check set from storage example:database death_check
function example:death_check/check with storage example:macro death_check[-1]
# function example:death_check/init
function gu:convert with entity @s
data remove storage example:data this
data modify storage example:data this.UUID set from storage gu:main out
data modify storage example:database death_check append from storage example:data this
data modify entity @s PersistenceRequired set value true
tag @s add init
# function example:death_check/check
$execute as $(UUID) unless data entity @s {DeathTime:0s} at @s run function example:death_check/death_event {UUID:$(UUID)}
$data remove storage example:macro death_check[{UUID:$(UUID)}]
function example:death_check/check with storage example:macro death_check[-1]
# function example:death_check/death_event
$data remove storage example:database death_check[{UUID:$(UUID)}]
say This mob is dying!
particle minecraft:soul_fire_flame ~ ~1 ~ 0.5 1 0.5 0.01 100
Note: This method cannot detect mob despawn, so you need to set the PersistenceRequired:true
tag to prevent despawn.
You can use the example above as is. When a mob dies, the function example:death_check/death_event
will be run in which the first command should remove the mob’s UUID from storage, and the rest you can change the commands as you want.