Do something (e.g: kill) to the entity I just found with /execute if entity (testfor)
If your execute if entity does not rely on NBT data, you can simply move the selector into the command you want to use. For example, if you have:
execute if entity @a[team=red]
You can also use:
kill @a[team=red]
Relies on NBT, 1.12 and below
If your testfor relies on NBT data, you will need to use either scoreboard players set
or scoreboard players tag
to give them a scoreboard score/tag, then select them based off of that. For example if you have:
testfor @a {OnGround:1b}
You can give them a tag like this:
scoreboard players tag @a add IsGrounded {OnGround:1b}
Then select them with @a[tag=IsGrounded]
. You’ll probably want to remove this tag afterwards, so that people who match the data once won’t always have the tag:
scoreboard players tag @a[tag=IsGrounded] remove IsGrounded
Relies on NBT, 1.13 and above
In 1.13, you can specify NBT data directly in a selector, for example:
kill @a[nbt={OnGround:1b}]